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How I Dropped from 227 to 146  
After Adding A 5-Second Tropical Loophole

How I Dropped from 
227 to 146  
After Adding A 
5-Second Tropical Loophole

Watch the video below to see if it's a good fit

Author Spotlight: Rachel Hamilton
Writer at Fresh & Coconuts. Mother of 2, lover of baking & gardening.
At 36 I'm Happier and Stronger than ever before.
January 10 - 2 min read

I NEVER would have imagined I'd put on a bikini again-- not in a million years!

Before having children, I thought I was going to be able to bounce back into my tight clothes no problem.

But even years after giving birth, I kept having to buy bigger and bigger clothing. 

But after giving birth, I kept having to buy bigger and bigger clothing. 

A situation I never  thought I'd find myself in.

Sleepless nights with small ones, stressing about my job, and trying to find time to workout and eat right took a massive a toll on my energy.

Before I knew it, I found myself at 227.

I could put a smile on for everybody else, but on the inside I was really hurting.

I tried countless workout and eating plans with very little results: 

  • Keto
  • ​21 Day Fix
  • ​South Beach Diet
  • ​HIIT
  • ​Crossfit
  • ​Yoga
Although I may have seen results for like a day or two, I would lose all my progress come the weekend by staying up that extra hour or having that 1 extra snack with my hubby while watching a movie.

It was so frustrating!

I often cried myself to sleep, missing the deep connection I used to have with my husband before the excess piled on. 

I wanted to feel as free and playful like I used to be with him...

I was now about 80 heavier than I used to be, and I don't think either of us recognized me  anymore.

I felt really uncomfortable in my own skin...

I was praying for a solution, something that would help me out of this situation.

It felt so hopeless and I couldn't imagine continuing a life like this.

Thankfully, it all turned around for me one day when I went to lunch with my good friend Julie...

The only reason why I agreed to go was because if there was anyone  who could relate to how I felt, it was her, as she was in the same boat as me...  

As I walked into the restaurant, I looked around for a good minute. That's when I heard my name from behind me and when I turned around, my eyes almost popped out of my head!

Julie looked completely transformed, about HALF the size since last time I saw her.

I couldn't believe it was her!!

I really wanted to give her compliments about how great she looked, but...

I started crying in the middle of the restaurant 😭

It was a huge wake up call. Right then, I knew something had to change...

"Hey! What happened?" she asked.

"I've tried everything to get back to my old self, and I just feel so exhausted. How did you do it? Please tell me!"

During lunch she shared with me how she found a little-known video  that explained the real root cause  of why she wasn't able to lose even an inch before...

She then started to implement a "tropical loophole" that boosted her metabolism and dissolved her stubborn flab. 

She had dropped almost 67.

I was absolutely blown away 🤯

Sure I was a little hesitant to try it at first, but at this point I was ready to try anything that could help me... 

And my results have been absolutely MIND-BLOWING!

It's helped me shred 6 dress sizes (and still going!)

This "tropical loophole" takes 5 seconds and turned my metabolism into a furnace...

"Brown Adipose Tissue" and the affects it has on the metabolism has been a total game-changer.

Now I actually love the reflection I see in the mirror and it's such a freeing feeling to wear and eat what I want.

It's been a massive self-esteem boost and my skin and hair also look better than ever!

I've shared the link to the video below ⤵️

It's helped me in ways unimaginable, and that's why I'm so passionate to share this "tropical loophole" with anyone who needs it!

My motto: If I can do it, anyone can do it!

P.S.  I was told that the link to this video was only going to be available for a limited time, so I hope by the time you read this it's still around! 

To discover the 'Tropical Loophole' that changed my life click the button below...

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Results May Vary: the weight loss results testimonials are in no way a guarantee of results. Individual weight loss results, including amount and time, will vary. Whether genetic or environmental, it should be noted that food intake, rates of metabolism and levels of exercise and physical exertion vary from person to person. This means weight loss results will also vary from person to person.

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